Commercial Real Estate 101 

Navigating the Commercial Inspection Process

在购买房产的过程中,商业检查似乎是一个平凡的细节, 但在购买时,它们是衡量你的风险的极有价值和重要的工具. At first glance, 看起来好像所有的商业地产检查员都是一样的, 但我们与专家交谈后发现,商业检验受到几个因素和标准的影响,这些因素和标准会影响您从中获得的价值. 从如何选择一个商业检查员到你应该期待什么,这是你需要知道的!

Why Do I Need a Commercial Property Inspection?

Linkhorn Inspection Group的Kevin Nally说,可以把检查看作是“及时的快照”. 商业检查的目的是让你知道什么东西在正常情况下是可以工作的,基于年龄和使用情况,以及什么东西会给你带来费用, three, five years and in the future, he continued.

检查有助于降低风险,因为一旦你购买了房产, the liability is 100% yours. 即使业主提供了已经完成的工作的细节, and provides a capital budget, 检查提供了财产的最新情况, he added.


How Do I Choose a Commercial Property Inspector?

In the state of Ohio, though all inspectors must be licensed, there is no license specific to commercial properties, as there is for home inspections. 然而,商业地产需要不同的经验和知识. 因此,获得许可并不等于有资格检查商业物业.

Additionally, 了解什么时候应该聘请结构工程师来进行商业检验是很重要的. 允许专业工程师对建筑物的结构完整性发表意见. A building inspector, 虽然有资格辨认出这栋楼的症状, 是否需要将诊断结果提交给结构工程师, which can add additional costs and possible delays in time.

结构工程师最好进行检查的例子包括建筑物的墙壁是否有裂缝, damaged, or out of level; if rooftop units are supported by a substructure or there are roof penetrations; if there are elevator shafts; or if the building has concrete structures such as a parking garage or concrete cracking, says Aaron Schmidt, manager of operations at Criterium-Liszkay Engineers.  

在选择商业检查员时应考虑的其他因素是公司对财产类型的经验. Though generally, 商业检查中的许多组件都是相似的, 偶尔也有需要专家的情况, said Schmidt.

For instance, 在制造或仓库设施中可能会有一些机器, such as cranes, which would require specific knowledge, he added.

When seeking a commercial inspector, your commercial real estate agent is a valuable resource, said Nally.

信誉良好的公司通常愿意为你提供一个包,其中包括他们的营业执照, insurance coverage, example reports, and references, said Schmidt.

其他考虑因素包括是否需要进行环境评估. 一些贷款人可能会要求进行环境现场评估, which is an important question to ask your banker, Schmidt added.

第一阶段的环境现场评估包括对该物业及其周围环境进行目视检查,并查找历史记录,以确定该物业或建筑物附近以前是否有化学或石油产品, and if there is any potential impact on the property. 第二阶段的环境检查包括土壤或材料测试, 而且通常只有在第一阶段检查显示有潜在危险时才会进行, he explained.

How Are Inspectors Licensed?

许可证由房地产部门内的俄亥俄州房屋检查员委员会颁发 & Professional Licensing. According to the Board’s website, 持有执照的检查员必须经过州和联邦调查局的背景调查, 是否提供了责任保险证书,以及有关道德行为和法律历史的详细信息,如果需要,是否提供了州外检查员的证书, 在申请之日起两年内成功通过全国验房员考试(NHIE),并完成80小时的课堂或在线验房员资格教育要求, and completed one of the experience requirements.

How is Pricing Determined?

Several factors impact pricing including the building size, type, number of units, and whether an environmental inspection is needed, explained Jerry Linkhorn, owner of Linkhorn Inspection Group.

一些公司根据买方或贷方的需要提供不同级别的检查. 我们的专家说,在俄亥俄州中部,商业检查的典型费用大约在0美元之间.05 to $0.22 per square foot.

What Does an Inspector Do?

检查的核心部分包括评估屋顶, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and structural integrity of the building. 检查员对物业进行目视检查,寻找问题的迹象,但不建议如何维修, but rather what the result should be. 然而,结构工程师可以就如何解决结构问题提出建议.

After the inspection, 应提供详细的报告,描述检查的每个组成部分的一般情况以及关注的问题, and the direction for resolution.

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